Monday, September 24, 2012


I'm not really sure if it is possible for things on the internet to actually gather dust.  I'm not very good at technology.  Apparently you are supposed to actually update things instead of just clicking "Remind me Later".  Who new?  But if it is possible, this blog is definitely failing the white glove test.

It's just that there has been so much happening over here it's hard to keep up, so I'm just going to do a brain dump of our early fall for recording purposes.  (I'm sure my future great grandchildren will be just desperate to know what we were up to in early September 2012.)

First pair of big girl walking shoes.  Not that we're walking yet.  (Which may be because I've given everyone strict instructions to push her over if she starts without me). 

I started grad school!  And my office moved.  Now I drive between 45 and 100 miles a day.  So, really most of my time looks like this:

But I'm so excited to be using my brain muscles again (speaking of dusty!)  And SO grateful for all of the help we've gotten with making sure Avery is well taken care of and my papers are turned in on time.  I'm bringing you all up on stage with me when I graduate. 

When I'm around, I try to soak up all of this that I can:

Finally, we have amazing friends.  They should all move to Dallas next door.  (And definitely NOT to Pittsburgh... ahem).  With them, we celebrated (Sam's not mine) homecoming.  (This is HIGH SCHOOL homecoming, y'all.. ridic) and a Ranger's game.

I did not get a mum.  Sigh.
We were also lucky enough to travel to Denver to see two of our favorites get hitched.  It was epic.  So much love and so much joy all wrapped up into one magical night.

My wish for them is that their spark blazes as bright as Sam & I's even after all these years....

And that's all my iPhone has to say about that.  What have YOU been up to lately?